COURSE TITLE: QUALIFI LEVEL 5 CERTIFICATE IN AESTHETIC PRACTICECOURSE CODE: 603/5209/7Date: November 2024INTRODUCTIONThis document provides information and guidance to prospective learners interested in the Qualifi Level 5 Certificate in Aesthetic Practice course. It aims to help you understand the course content, structure, learning objectives, assessment methods, and entry requirements.COURSE OVERVIEWThe rationale of the programme is to provide a career path for learners who wish to develop their aesthetic practice capabilities within the health and aesthetic sector. The expected outcome of the Certificate, which is the achievement of a recognised UK qualification, is for learners to develop the skills required by organisations and the aesthetic industry globally.This qualification will:•prepare learners for employment; and•support a range of roles in the workplace.This qualification provides a specialist work-related programme of study that provides breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding, along with practical skills required in the aesthetics sector. This qualification will help to prepare professional staff and managers of the future in the aesthetics sector. This qualification provides a generic core of mandatory units that apply in all aesthetics contexts. This qualification is suitable for part-time learners in the workplace but is equally appropriate for full-time learners who can also participate in formal work placements or part-time employment. Learners can progress into or within employment in the aesthetics sector, either directly on achievement of the certificate or following further progression to level 7.LEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon successful completion of this course, participants will be certificated in the following units:•Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic Practice •Professional Standards within Aesthetic Practice •Working Collaboratively with Healthcare Professionals •Anatomy, Physiology and Morphology of the Ageing Face •Skin Micro-needling and Chemical PeelsASSESSMENT Your progress will be assessed through:•In person attendance for tutor guided lessons and assessments•Mandatory online meetings and training sessions•independent and unsupervised research/learning•unsupervised compilation of a portfolio of work experience (where compliance documentations meet requirements)•supervised compilation of a portfolio of work experience (case studies)•watching pre-recorded podcasts or webinars•oral questioning throughout observation of practical performance•written questions and answersAssessment for this qualification consists of:•5 Short Answer Question papers (SAQs)•2 Written assignments•12 Formative assessments (Case studies – supervised) to include 4 chemical peels, 4 power assisted needling and 4 manual microneedling treatments•12 Summative assessments to include 4 chemical peels, 4 power assisted needling and 4 manual microneedling treatmentsENTRY REQUIREMENTSThe qualification has been designed to be accessible without artificial barriers that restrict access and progression. Entry to the qualifications will be through centre interview and learners will be expected to hold the following:A minimum of a Level 4 qualification in a related sector e.g:•A QUALIFI Level 4 Diploma in Aesthetic Procedures for Skin Rejuvenation•A QUALIFI Level 4 Certificate in Aesthetic Practice•A QUALIFI Level 4 Diploma/Certificate in Micropigmentation•A QUALFI Level 4 Certificate in Laser, Light and Energy-Based ProceduresOr•A minimum of 3 years’ work experience, which demonstrates current and relevant industry knowledge.Plus•Current and valid Basic Life Support (BLS) and anaphylaxis management trainingIn certain circumstances, learners with considerable experience but no formal/regulated qualifications may be considered. This will be subject to interview with the centre and being able to demonstrate their ability to cope with the demands of the course and assessment. In addition, all learners must prove they hold a relevant English language qualification if English is not their first language.COURSE MATERIALSFor assessment purposes, all necessary products and materials will be provided on-site. However, learners are welcome to use their own products and materials, provided they can supply comprehensive application procedures, treatment protocols and relevant safety certificates for those products and equipment to meet current UK standards. This ensures compliance with safety regulations and allows for a fair and consistent assessment process.Learning materials will be provided in an online format.You will be responsible for providing models to meet the criteria for assessment, as detailed in the assessment sectionCOURSE DURATION & SCHEDULESessionDateVenueExpected topic103/02/25OnlineInduction221/02/25OnlineUnit AP501 Legal and Regulatory RequirementsUnit AP5701 Microneedling and Peels theory307/03/25In CentreAP5701 practical and theoryAP501 SAQ deadline424/03/25In CentreAP502 Professional standardsAP5701 case studiesAP5701 SAQ deadline504/04/25OnlineAP503 Working collaboratively with healthcare professionalsAP601 Anatomy, Physiology and Morphology of the Ageing FaceAP502 SAQ deadline625/04/25In CentreAP5701 Case studiesAP503 SAQ and Assignment 1 deadline711/05/25In CentreAP5701 assessments AP601 SAQ and Assignment 2 deadline823/05/25In CentreAP5701 assessmentsAttendance at all scheduled sessions is mandatory and must be confirmed prior to enrolment. Your enrolment is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Please note that session content may be amended based on the overall learner progress and instructor's professional judgment.In addition to practical sessions, a theory-based assignment will be due monthly. These assignments are to be completed independently in your own time and will not be undertaken during the scheduled practical sessions. Specific deadlines for assignments will be communicated separately.CONTACT INFORMATIONFor further enquiries, please contact:London College of Excellenceadmin@londoncollegeofexcellence.co.uk DISCLAIMERThis IAG is subject to change. Any changes will be communicated to registered learners in a timely manner. Should the information on this document change prior to enrolment, you will be issued with an updated version of the document. Signing this document does not guarantee admission to the course. Final acceptance is subject to the centre’s policies, evidence of eligibility and available places. The information provided during in this information, advice and guidance is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of sharing but may be subject to change. Any changes will be communicated to accepted participants.We encourage you to carefully review this information. We look forward to welcoming you to the course!LEARNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND SIGNATUREI, , have read and understand the information provided regarding the Qualifi Level 5 Certificate in Aesthetic Practice course. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and have received satisfactory answers. I acknowledge that this information is subject to change.Signature:Date: